Sara Godwin


SARA GODWIN, world traveler, adventurer, birdwatcher, garden expert, and full-time foodie has spent a lifetime traveling to the far reaches of the planet. From the Arctic to the Amazon, from Asia to Africa, from the Galapagos to the Magdalene Islands, she’s been there. In the ‘done that’ category, she has ridden elephants in Nepal, driven dogsleds in the Northwest Territories, walked unarmed through the Masai Mara, skindived in Dominica, petted sharks in tropical waters, and baby harp seals on ice floes. Sara has written books on everything from gorillas to hummingbirds, and also writes television travel documentaries. She can give you the inside scoop on ice cream in Paris, bird’s nest soup in Kota Kinabalu, or the best restaurant on Nantucket. For the secrets of the cognoscenti on where to go and what to do once you’ve arrived, check this blog every chance you get.

Sara says: The world is a wondrous place — travel often and widely. I do.


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